... that sérandite (pictured) was discovered in Guinea, described in a French journal, and the type material resides in Washington, D.C.?
Sérandite, also serandite[citation needed], is a mineral with formula Na(Mn2+,Ca)2Si3O8(OH). The mineral was discovered in Guinea in 1931 and named for J. M. Sérand. Sérandite is generally red, brown, black or colorless.
Sérandite is transparent to translucent and is normally salmon-pink, light pink, rose-red, orange, brown, black, or colorless; in thin section, it is colorless.[1] Octahedrally bonded Mn(II) is the primary contributor to the mineral's pink colors.[3]
Crystals of the mineral can be prismatic to acicular and elongated along [010], bladed, blocky, or tabular and flattened on {100}, occur as a radiating aggregate, or have massive habit.[1] Sérandite is a member of the wollastonite group and is the manganese analogue of pectolite.[2]
Sérandite was discovered on Rouma Island, part of the Los Islands in Guinea.[2] The mineral was described by À. Lacroix in the journal Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences.[4] He named it sérandite in honor of J.M. Sérand, a mineral collector who helped in the collection of the mineral.[2]
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