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Wanita rebah 20 kali sehari

ASHFORD (Kent): Seorang wanita yang menghidap penyakit ganjil iaitu dia rebah setiap kali ketawa bimbang dia mungkin menurunkan sakit aneh itu kepada anak lelakinya.

Kelly Timson, 25, tidak boleh menyaksikan pertunjukan jenaka atau malah pergi ke pub bersama temannya kerana setiap kali dia ketawa, dia akan rebah. Kelly mengalami keadaan neurologi yang jarang berlaku dipanggil Cataplexy bermaksud tubuhnya mencapai tahap lumpuh sepenuhnya akibat tindak balas emosi seperti geli hati, terkejut, marah dan malah, sayang.

Hanya merenung dengan penuh kasih sayang kepada dua anaknya, Charlie, lima dan Ronnie, dua tahun menyebabkan Kelly tidak dapat bergerak atau bercakap. Dia sering rebah di lantai dan mencederakan dirinya. Pada satu ketika dia hampir lemas selepas jatuh dengan muka tersembam di sofa. Kelly mengalami hingga 20 serangan cataplexy dalam sehari dan memerlukan ibu atau adik lelaki di sampingnya setiap masa seandainya dia rebah. Kelly juga mengalami keadaan berkaitan dengan penyakitnya narcolepsy yang bermakna dia akan terlelap sepanjang hari, tanpa mengira apa yang sedang dilakukannya.

Kelly yang berasal dari Ashford, Kent berkata: “Saya tidak dapat menghitung berapa kali saya terlelap ketika makan malam. Malah, saya tidak boleh berkunjung ke restoran dengan teman lelaki kerana bimbang saya akan tersengguk di meja makan. Ia pasti memalukan.

“Pernah sekali, saya mendapat serangan cataplexy di pasar raya dan kemudian beberapa kali lagi. Saya mungkin mendapat serangan 20 kali dan saya rasa mungkin orang ramai memikirkan saya mengambil dadah atau mabuk. Setiap kali saya berdiri, saya rebah lagi.

“Ketika saya mendapat serangan saya boleh melihat dan mendengar tetapi saya tidak dapat bergerak atau bertutur langsung. Ia boleh hilang beberapa saat atau ia mungkin berakhir selama sejam,” katanya. - DM

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Cuba Teka Gambar Ini?

Npk lazat dan menarikkan... sini nak tau.

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Gephyrocapsa is a genus of haptophytes.

Haptophytes are a phylum of algae, sometimes called the Prymnesiophyta.[1] All or most of them are single-celled photosynthetic phytoplankton.

The cells typically have two slightly unequal flagella and a unique organelle called a haptonema. This is superficially similar to a flagellum, but differs in its arrangement of microtubules, and in its use. The name comes from the Greek hapsis = touch, and nema = thread.


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Escherichia coli

Escherichia coli or E. coli is a bacterium that can be found in human intestines.[1] Scientists have studied E. coli very well, and know more about how E. coli cells work than any other organism. E. coli is not always harmful. In fact, the only known harmful strand is O157.[1]

E. coli normally grow in soil and in the large intestines of many mammals, including humans. Most strains of E. coli do not cause disease, but instead help animals get vitamins and digest food. Some strains of E. coli cause sickness in people. E. coli are not usually in food or water. When food has not been prepared with clean equipment, E. coli can grow in the food. When E. coli are found in water, this may mean that the water has touched sewage.

It is named after Theodor Escherich, who discovered it, in 1885.[1] It was officially named after him in 1919.

Signs and symptons of E.coli infection

The following signs and symptoms of an E.coli infection normally happen within three days, however some people may carry the infection and show no signs at all.[1]

* Pain in the abdomen
* Diarrhea
* Nausea
* Vomitting
* Fever
* Fatigue

The best treatment for E. coli is plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.

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Cuba Teka Gambar Ini?

Cuba teka gambar ini nampak seperti bunga dia laut dlm tapi cuba click sini untuk lebih lanjut

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Staphylococcus aureus,

Staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause of staph infections. It is a spherical bacterium, frequently living on the skin or in the nose of a person. Approximately 20–30% of the general population are "staph carriers".[1] Staphylococcus aureus can cause a range of illnesses from minor skin infections to life-threatening diseases.

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Cuba Teka Gambar Ini?

Cuba teka npk seperti permukaan bulan, tetapi mahu tau lanjut cuba click dibwh sini

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Picture of the day

Meteor Crater is a meteorite impact crater approximately 43 miles (69 km) east of Flagstaff, Arizona, US. It was created about 50,000 years ago during the Pleistocene epoch. The object that excavated the crater was a nickel-iron meteorite about 50 m (160 ft) across, which impacted the plain at a speed of several km per second.

Photo: National Map Seamless Server, USGS

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Today's featured picture

The Eastern Spinebill (Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris, female shown here) is a species of honeyeater found in south-eastern Australia. It feeds on nectar from many plants, as well as small insects and other invertebrates. It is around 15 cm (5.9 in) long, and has a distinctive black, white and chestnut plumage, a red eye, and a long downcurved bill.

Photo: JJ Harrison

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Today's featured picture

A view of Black Tusk in Garibaldi Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada. It is the core of an extinct stratovolcano, formed about 1.2 million years ago when the loose cinder around it eroded, leaving only the hard lava core. At 2,319 m (7,608 ft) above sea level, it is particularly noticeable from the Sea-to-Sky Highway just south of Whistler, B.C.
Photo: Andysonic777

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Today's featured picture

The Battenberg Mausoleum is the memorial tomb of Prince Alexander of Battenberg, the first ruler of modern Bulgaria. Located in the Sofia city centre, the structure opened in 1897, four years after Alexander's death on April 5, 1893, in Graz, Austria, where he was initially buried. However, in accordance with his wish, his remains were transferred to Sofia where he was given a state funeral.

Photo: Plamen Agov

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Today's featured picture

Two olive baboons (Papio anubis) engaged in social grooming, an activity that social animals (including humans) engage in to clean or maintain one another's body or appearance. Grooming also reinforces social structures, family links, and builds relationships. It has been best studied among primates, but insects, birds, fish, and other mammals are known to engage in it as well.

Photo: Muhammad Mahdi Karim

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Today's featured picture

The Tasmanian Darner (Austroaeschna tasmanica) is an Australian species of dragonfly in the Aeshnidae family, which includes some of the largest of the dragonflies on the planet. Also referred to as "hawkers", the name "darner" derives from the fact that the female abdomens look like a sewing needle, as they cut into plant stem when they lay their eggs through the ovipositor.

Photo: JJ Harrison

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Today's featured picture

The elegant sunburst lichen (Xanthoria elegans) is a lichen recognizable by its bright orange or red pigmentation. This species grows on rocks, often near bird or rodent perches. It has a circumpolar and alpine distribution. It was one of the first lichens to be used for the rock-face dating method known as lichenometry.
Photo: Jason Hollinger

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